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National Prayer Ministry

As we continue to become a movement of churches that focus on loving and serving our neighbourhoods and communities, we know we’re in need of the power of God.


We manage the following areas; finance (including payroll), personal benefits, pensions, investments, property management, corporate administration, bequests and other legal affairs.

Church Health

Church Health supports local churches and leaders to equip, encourage, and resource them as they as they discern God's plan.

Church Planting

Church Planting exists to oversee our church planting system. Our team has the privilege of working with new and emerging leaders and communities of faith, as they follow Jesus into their neighbourhoods.

Generosity + Stewardship

Stewardship. It's not just about money, or time, or talent. It's about surrender. Surrendering ourselves to Christ. Returning our money, our time, and our talent to its rightful owner - God.

Intergenerational Ministry

The purpose of the Intergenerational Ministry team is to recommend next steps in resourcing congregations to embrace the role of the whole church family in empowering children, youth, and young adults for mission.

Intercultural Missions

Intercultural Engagement is here to help your congregation discern and discover intercultural missions here at home and around the world.

International Child Care Ministries

Poverty is more than physical hunger. International Childcare Ministries invests in the whole child. We know that community transformation occurs when its future leaders are fully supported. Learn about ways to partner with us!

Ministerial Formation

Developing gifted and passionate Christian leaders for ministry in the Free Methodist Church is a priority. We seek to invest resources strategically and mature those who desire to grow as part of our national church mission.

Racial Justice and Ethinic Equity

The RJEE Team will offer recommendations to the FMCIC to empower our leaders and congregations to address the reality of racism in all its forms and the need to intentionally implement a justice and equity strategy that rejects systemic racism.

Retired Ministers Team

Connecting and Resourcing soon-to-be and Retired Ministers.

Women in Leadership

The Free Methodist Church in Canada (FMCIC) position on women in leadership (a fully egalitarian posture), whilst not new, is a counter-cultural position within western evangelical Christianity.


Our goal is equip churches and leaders with the tools and resources they need to better meet the needs of their congregations and neighbourhoods.

Online Directory

Every effort has been made to create a reference that will best serve you. All churches are listed by location.

Resource Directory (Search Function)

Looking for something? Not sure where to find it? We have tried to make the Resource Directory (search feature) as comprehensive as possible. Just type in a keyword!

No joy? You did not find what you were looking for? Let us know and we will fix it!

Directory (1)

Find a church (1)

FMCIC Blogs (7)

Freedom Video Series (6)

General Conference (1)

Generosity + Stewardship (53)

Land Acknowledgement (1)

Ministry Centre Staff (16)

Ministry Opportunities (1)

Study Commission On Doctrine (SCOD) (3)

The Manual (2)

Topics Worth Thinking About (13)

Treasurers Guide (1)