the free methodist church in canada
FMCiC Planned Giving Program

The Free Methodist Church in Canada has partnered with ADVISORS with Purpose, a ministry committed to helping people manage their assets according to their faith and values. This partnership includes all of our local churches and camp ministries, the Free Methodist Foundation, the Lorne Park Foundation and Aldersgate Village.
Our partnership provides you with the services of Christian planned giving specialists that work for you and help you through a strategic estate planning process. This service is provided at no cost to you, there are never any obligations, it is completely confidential, and the Estate Planners will never sell any product. We know that the help received from them will further your desire to be found a faithful steward of all that God has entrusted to you.
Download the Planned Giving Brochure here.
Do I need a will?
In Canada, if you die without a Will you are considered to have died “intestate.” Simply put, this means that your provincial government decides how your assets will be divided—and not you.
Each province has intestacy rules that define your estate’s beneficiaries and how much each is to receive. Usually, this means your legal spouse and biological and adopted children will likely end up with your estate’s assets. Intestacy rules, however, do not take into account any intentions you may have for distributing your assets… including if you planned on giving to your church and other charities that are important to you. Even worse—intestacy can result in additional legal costs for your beneficiaries.
As good and faithful stewards of all that God entrusts to us, having a will ensures that our dependents are looked after as well as the potential to avoid estate taxes which gives you more to be generous with.
Why is a Will important?
- We all need a Will – without one some else will be making the decisions for us
- There are only 3 places where assets can go: heirs, taxes or charities. Estate planning helps to make sure that your assets are used as you would like. Without a will, nothing can go to charities.
- Having a welled planned Will ensures that your dependents/heirs will not experience difficulty in the execution of your Will or have unexpected expenses
What if I already have a Will?
A Will is something that, once signed, usually gets put away and not thought about again for many years. Since Wills don’t expire, there is no built-in requirement to renew them. But we should review and update our wills from time to time.
An Estate Planning Specialist can help you review your plans to ensure your dependents are looked after while being as generous as possible by reducing taxes and other expenses.
Estate Planning is for everyone whether you have a little or a lot.
What is Planned Giving?
Planned Giving is one of the most valuable ways to create a legacy that reflects the life you lived and what you believe while looking after those entrusted to your stewardship.
A ‘planned gift’ is any major gift, made in lifetime or at death as part of a donor’s overall financial and/or estate planning.
What is Christian Estate Planning?
Estate planning is the process of anticipating and arranging for the disposal of your stuff during your life. Estate planning typically attempts to eliminate uncertainties over the administration of your will and maximize the value of the estate by reducing taxes and other expenses.
Your Will is the last statement you will ever make therefore you want it to be a meaningful one!
The inheritance you leave to your heirs is about more than the monetary assets of your estate; it is about their best interests and the values you want to pass on.
- What will be the spiritual inheritance you leave?
- Do you have a Will that adequately reflects your heart?
- Will your legacy of giving extend beyond your own life?
Do you have a Will that reflects your heart?
- Do we acknowledge that God is the owner of everything and we are simply stewards of all He provides?
- Are we actively listening to God as we prayerfully prepare our Will as a godly steward?
- Have we found other faithful stewards of God’s resources into whose trustworthy hands we can transfer part of our estate?
- Does our Will tell the story of our faith walk, as a continuing witness to God’s faithfulness and love for us?
How Does it Work?
- Connect with Advisors With Purpose (AWP) by phone at 1-866-580-9319 or by email at to book an appointment with an Estate Specialist.
- The Estate Specialist will meet with you by phone to review your information, ask some key questions and help you consider some options.
- The Estate Specialist prepares a personalized plan for you.
- Meet with the Estate Specialist again by phone to review the plan, ask questions and talk about next steps.
- Meet with your own personal lawyer and other financial professionals to implement the plan as you wish.
Don’t forget to share your experience with others. This is one of the best ways to cultivate generosity in your family and community!
Really? There is no cost or obligation to me?
Really. These estate planning services are provided at no cost to you and there are never any obligations. It is completely confidential and the Estate Planners will never sell you any product.
You can take your prepared Estate Plan to your lawyer to have him/her prepare your Will according to the choices you have made and the costs to have the Will completed are your responsibility.
How do I get my Free Estate Plan?
If you would like to speak with an Estate Specialist and go through the process yourself, click the button below to email our Estate Planning Team:CLICK HERE FOR MORE FAQs
Church Planned Giving Resources
- Simply send people to this page where they can click a button to schedule an appointment online or view a number of short videos on planned giving options
- Add a planned giving button to your website by going to this page, you can get a code to add a ‘Planned Giving’ button to your website. It will direct people here.
- Phone Seminars or Video Seminars covering a variety of topics including: Why you need a will; Tax strategies for your RRSP, Vacation Properties and Primary Home; How you can avoid/eliminate estate taxes. For a list of upcoming and recent webinars click here.
- Stewarding Your Stuff is a small group or individual study on stewardship and planned giving. This book and videos is a four part study with solid teaching and reflections on stewardship. It reminds us that God owns everything and we serve as His stewards. Estate planning from a Biblical perspective is the most significant act we will ever undertake. The result of a kingdom building planned gift from our estate is like casting a stone into the lake. Its ripple effect will continue to impact the world for Christ in continuous, ever increasing circles reaching further and further, touching more and more people until Christ returns. Please contact Tanya Prinsep for more information.
- Communication Support for the Local Church – The team at Advisors with Purpose would be happy to help you communicate these estate planning services to your church family in the best way for your church. We have articles, bulletin inserts, videos, posters, phone/video seminars and we will work with you individually.
If you would like more information on how you can share this partnership with your congregation, please contact Tanya Prinsep:
Tanya Prinsep
Director, Planned Giving Partnerships
Financial Discipleship Canada / Advisors with Purpose
1-866-580-9319 ext 108