the free methodist church in canada
Church Stewardship

God is calling your church to His mission in your community. His plan is to invite your people to discover the joy of giving. Generosity is how we display God’s character to the world. It is an integral part of Christian discipleship and is how we work together in His mission.
Church stewardship is about faithfully making the most of people’s donations to God. Inspiring grateful generosity to your church ministry plan requires:
- connecting people’s donations to the vision and mission God has given your church.
- fiscal accountability, transparency and good communication which builds trust in the church leadership and connects people to your vision and mission.
- modeling, celebrating and teaching grateful, joyous generosity throughout your community.
We have developed several free resources available for your church that can help:
- Narrative Budget (connecting the budget to the vision and mission of the church)
- Digital Giving (finding the right option(s) for your church people)
- Treasurers Guide
- Grant Search/Writing
- Asset Mapping
- Generosity Coaching
- Financial Fitness Seminars and Small Groups
- Generosity Discipleship
- Stewardship Seminars and Workshops

Contact Sandy Crozier
Stewardship + Generosity Director
905-848-2600 ext 410