what compels

What Compels Us

We are compelled to pursue diversity and call out systemic and racial injustice in our communities, our country, and around the world. We continue the anti-slavery movement started by the Free Methodist founders by taking a stand against human trafficking, sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, and forced labour. We are passionate about serving and advocating for the vulnerable, oppressed, marginalized, and people of all races and ethnicities in our communities, locally and globally.

Be Known

We want to know people and be known. We want to support each other in our choices, attitudes, and behaviours. We want to point each other towards God.

Align Our Lives

We strive to align every part of our lives with God and live in community with Him and others because we are created to belong.

Working In Our Community and Beyond...

In the Local Church

Supporting local Free Methodist churches through prayer, educating and empowering ministry leaders, and providing administrative support- these are just a few of the reasons behind our various Ministry Areas. View the full list of ministries below.

In Our Nation

We want to help the church grow in empathy through the power of the Holy Spirit, we want to help educate those humble enough to learn from and not just about another culture, and we want to help equip faithful followers of Jesus to move and be mobilized to meet the needs of their neighbours.

In Our World

Our vision is to see a healthy church within the reach of all people in Canada and beyond. Global missions is all about the “and beyond” part of our vision. We want to form healthy global partnerships, be inspired and transformed by our connections around the world, and follow Jesus in making disciples.

International Child Care Ministries

International Child Care Ministries (ICCM) is a non-profit organization founded by and partnered with the Free Methodist Church. Through child sponsorships, education and community projects, ICCM reaches hundreds of children across the world. Learn more about this ministry by visiting the ICCM website below.