the free methodist church in canada
Tracking (Preparation for Ministry)
Stepping fully into God’s call for vocational ministry requires training and preparation (both formal education and practical pastoral ministry). The Credentialing Coordinator will guide you through the journey to becoming a credentialed minister in The Free Methodist Church in Canada.
*NEW* Steps Toward Credentialed Ministry Tracking PowerPoint (powerpoint)
Submit your Tracking forms online:
Downloadable forms:
- Tracking Form-Lay Minister (English-Word)
- Tracking Form-Lay Minister (English-PDF)
- Tracking Form (French) Lay Minister (Word)
- Tracking Form (French) Lay Minister (PDF)
S.H.A.P.E. Material:
SHAPE English-Word file SHAPE French-Word file
SHAPE English-PDF file SHAPE French-PDF file
Bases/Membership Material
Click here
Steps to Credentialed Ministry:
- Connecting through membership: We have over 142 congregations across Canada. We need competent, spirit-led leaders to accomplish what God is calling us to do in his Kingdom. Get involved with one of our congregations as a first step. We build our leadership team through the local church. As you build a relationship with the pastor and local leaders you should consider becoming a member. This gives a clear sense of connection to our movement. During this time you should also discover your S.H.A.P.E. if you have not already done so.
- The local church recommends you for leadership in the FMCiC: As the relationship progresses, the leadership team (official/governance board) of a local Free Methodist church will consider your request to become a licensed Lay Minister. As you and the pastoral leader discern God’s call, you will make a request to the official/governance board to be recommended for Ministerial Candidacy. This connects you to the FMCiC for consideration as a ministry leader in one of our congregations. To become a Ministerial Candidate, you will be asked to complete “tracking steps” and take our foundational courses. We will help you complete the tracking. The local pastor will provide coaching, and the FMCiC Leadership Development-Credentialing Coordinator will provide guidance through the tracking journey.
- The Ministerial Candidacy Interview: After completing the tracking steps and foundational courses you will be scheduled for a Ministerial Candidacy interview with the Ministerial Education, Guidance and Placement Committee (MEGaP). For Commissioned Minister (CM) this is the first of two interviews with MEGaP. For those called to Ordained Minister (OM) this is the first of three interviews with MEGaP.
- Supervision of Ministerial Candidates (MC) Continues: The Credentialing Coordinator will track with you on two things now: 1.) your ministry experience after you become a MC, which is done through a conference appointment at a local Free Methodist church as a Lead, Assistant or Associate Pastor, and 2.) your courses taken to meet the educational requirements for ordination or commissioning. The tracking is done on our database so please communicate with the Credentialing Coordinator to provide regular updates or any changes for your file.
Ordained Minister or Commissioned Minister? There are two tracks for the Ministerial Candidate
- Commissioned Minister (CM): a person who is called to one local church in a specialized ministry. CMs must complete three years of ministry experience under conference supervision (appointment at a local FM church as a Lead, Assistant or Associate Pastor) plus the required courses. There is one MEGaP interview after the MC has completed the ministry experience and educational requirements to become a Commissioned Minister. Following that interview and subsequent recommendation by MEGaP being approved by the Board of Administration, the Ministerial Candidate will be commissioned.
- Ordained Minister (OM): a person who is called to pastoral overseeing of a local church and wishes to be considered for any congregation in Canada. OMs complete four years of ministry experience as a MC under conference supervision (appointment at a local FM church as a Lead, Assistant or Associate Pastor), along with the required courses. There are two MEGaP interviews after the MC interview to become an Ordained Minister. Following the final interview and subsequent recommendation by MEGaP being approved by the Board of Administration, the Bishop of the FMCiC will ordain the Ministerial Candidate.
The Final Step: Once you have successfully completed your ministry experience, educational requirements and your final interviews, all that remains is: 1) MEGaP recommends you for OM or CM, and 2) The Board of Administration of the FMCiC approves the MEGaP recommendation. An ordination service or commissioning service will be arranged between the candidate and the Bishop at a mutually acceptable time when we can celebrate and affirm what God has done in your life.
Question: Are you hearing God’s call to full time service? The first step is to get involved in a local Free Methodist congregation.
Question: Do you sense God’s call to join a team of leaders across Canada or around the world in reaching people for Christ and developing healthy churches? Then get connected with like-minded seekers who have a passion for the lost by developing your passion and call with the pastoral leader of the local Free Methodist church and with the Leadership Development Office.
Defining the Terms
- Ministerial Candidate (MC) – a person who has fulfilled all the requirements for Ministerial Candidacy, has been interviewed and recommended by the MEGaP committee and approved by the Board of Administration, and is pursing either Commissioned Ministry or Ordained Ministry through a conference appointment at a local FM church.
- Commissioned Minister (CM) – a person called by God to a specialized ministry in a particular local church.
- Ordained Minister (OM) – a person who has a call of God on his or her life to pastoral leadership of any Free Methodist Church in Canada.

Contact Susan DePlanché
Credentialing Coordinator
905-848-2600 ext 405
Fax: 905-848-2603