The following is a partial list of items to be covered when a change in treasurer takes place.
- Change in bank signing authority
- Adopt an email address (i.e. ‘’) for the treasurer which will remain with the church when a treasurer changes. Password and details to remain with Board. Notify FMCIC of treasurer email.
- Update new treasurer with CRA and inform FMCIC of new treasurer name and daytime phone number
- Turnover of all passwords, codes, keys, etc.
- Review of all existing contracts, service arrangements, suppliers
- Review of any existing loans or mortgages
- Review of present banking arrangements – fees, overdraft coverage, credit cards, etc.
- Review of all current procedures for counting of offerings (tellers), banking of same, donations recording, processing of payables, expenses and financial reporting
- Review of payroll records and process
- Review of process used for remittances to FMCCiC. Adopt e-transfer if not already in place.
- Review of on-line giving processes, pre-authorized payments system
- Records review – all current files, records in storage, stationery supplies
- Review of any outstanding issues