the free methodist church in canada

Travelling to General Conference

DO NOT BOOK YOUR OWN FLIGHT TO GENERAL CONFERENCE. If you are travelling by air, once you have registered and paid, please contact Ellie Mackie of Direct Travel (email: office number: 905-847-0473, or toll free number: 1-800-465-4437) to book your flight. Direct Travel will bill the FMCIC directly.

All pastors/delegates who pay the registration fee will be reimbursed for travel expenses. Reimbursement will be based on the least expensive travel alternative (economy airfare, train, bus and/or mileage) from your location. Please arrange carpools where possible. Mileage will be reimbursed at the rate of $0.25 per kilometre.

Expense forms will be available to download with your General Conference documents, and as well in the FMCIC Office at General Conference.