the free methodist church in canada
Restaurant Deals
We would be happy to extend to your guests a 15% discount on all our regularly priced food items if they dine in our establishment. Additionally, should your guests choose to enjoy a meal in their hotel room, we would be happy to extend 10% off regularly priced food items for delivery.
5 Carlson Ct, Etobicoke, ON M9W 6A2
Guests can show the virtual GC2024 Program with our logo on it to get 10% off.
55 Reading Ct, Etobicoke, ON M9W 7K7
Unique prix fix menu to any groups of 15 or more (visit the GC2024 App to see the prix fix menu)
801 Dixon Road | Toronto, On |M9W 1J5|
T: 416 674 7500 | Cell: 647 620 6939 |E: