the free methodist church in canada
GC2024 Registration

Online Registration Form
- Early Bird rate $400 (until March 1, 2024)
- After March 1, 2024 – $450
- Please read through the Registration Notes before completing the form.
- If you have any questions about how to complete the form please contact Monique Alexander or Lisa Howden for guidance.
We are actively working with anticipation for our upcoming 2024 General Conference IMAGINE next April 25-28 in Toronto.
This will be our first in-person General Conference gathering in seven years! The world has changed a lot since then, as have the cost of travel, hotels, meals, gas and almost everything else. We have worked hard at keeping the registration fees as low as possible but it is higher than seven years ago.
As our pastors and delegates work hard during conference imagining what we could accomplish together for our movement in Canada and we want to ensure that we include better meals – breakfast and buffet lunches and of course lots of coffee and tea breaks. We are also making the 21 Workshop recordings available so that churches can view/use them at home. All the Exhibitors are selected for having something important to bring to the local church. Our three primary seminaries, Roberts, Tyndale and Briercrest, will be hosting Dessert Socials at the conference. They will also be available to meet and talk with anyone looking at pursuing seminary courses – as you know learning is one of our core values as a movement. All to help shape our movement and imagine what we can do together.
We have negotiated a nightly hotel rate of $165 per night which is much lower than the average rate of $250-300+ per night. Despite all our conference negotiations, we realized General Conference costs would still be well over $800 per person. We understood that this would be too high for many churches, so the BOA has approved subsidizing General Conference with $100,000. With this subsidy, we are able to lower the registration for General Conference to $400 for the Early Bird Rate (up until March 1, 2024), and $450 after the Early Bird Rate. If you haven’t already budgeted for General Conference 2024, we suggest you start setting some funds aside each month up until General Conference. The Conference registration site will open in January 2024. Keep watching for details.
As we eagerly anticipate the 2024 General Conference IMAGINE, we invite you to join us in prayer until we gather in person to imagine what God can accomplish through us for our movement and beyond.