What you need to know about the Hotel and Parking for GC2024

We are so looking forward to seeing everyone face-to-face again!

Please note the following regarding the parking at the hotel for GC2024:

Parking at the hotel is limited and we are encouraging car pooling.

The Hotel assures us that there will be parking available for all overnight guests but very limited for other guests.

Parking is now managed by a 3rd party parking control.  ALL GUESTS USING THE ONSITE PARKING LOT MUST SUBMIT THEIR LICENSE PLAT TO THE HOTEL in order to avoid a $98 fine.  This parking ticket cannot be reversed or reimbursed.

If the parking lot is full, there are no overflow options onsite.  But there are two privately owned airport parking lots directly across from the hotel. 

Please consider car pooling (especially for the Sunday service).