February 24th  8pm Eastern

Understanding RRSP’s and your Will | Bill Hirtle

RRSP’s are a great tool for saving but it is important that they are giving careful consideration when creating your Will. Here, you will hear about how registered investments are treated at the end of life and strategies for ensuring that they are used well.

Link to Register https://calendly.com/awpwebinar/understanding-rrsps-and-your-will-feb-24

Image/Invite https://financialdiscipleship.box.com/s/w0zrdc70byhmmoxbgaoitatwuhav4one

March 24  3pm Eastern

Your money counts – A biblical perspective on finances | Ray Borg

Many people are experiencing financial challenges, such as debt, a frustrating job, or inadequate savings The Bible has a lot to say about money. There are, in fact, over 2,350 verses that address everything you need to know about handling money. Indeed, the Bible is a blueprint for managing your finances. We will discover the profound impact handling money has on your relationship with God.

Link to Register https://calendly.com/awpwebinar/your-money-counts-mar-24

Image/Invite https://financialdiscipleship.box.com/s/4t78x5eonimhogj5h8su9nugo7yfpgo6

April 28th  3pm Eastern

Knowledge is Power – Knowing what you need to know about Will Planning |

Lorne Jackson

Having a plan is just a good idea. It ensures that you have all the correct information, helps you consider the options, allows you to work out your decisions and know exactly what you will be doing before you sit down to write your Will.

Link to Registerhttps://calendly.com/awpwebinar/knowledge-is-power-april-28

Image/Invite https://financialdiscipleship.box.com/s/8dqnxghfco7vzkkwaqpdnqj1wvlk5hpo

May 26  8pm Eastern

Your Farm and Estate Planning – Create your farm legacy | Cindy Byker

As a farmer, you’ve worked hard to build your business and you want to ensure that it is stewarded well whether the next generation succeeds you or whether you sell to others.

This webinar will help you consider the specific estate planning needs of those in farming.

Link to Register  https://calendly.com/awpwebinar/your-farm-and-estate-planning-may-26

Image/Invite https://financialdiscipleship.box.com/s/lqzbgjw4rwezq6tujmmtrsw60rprbjf4



Our partnership provides you with the services of Christian planned giving specialists that work for you and help you through a strategic estate planning process. This service is provided at no cost to youthere are never any obligations, it is completely confidential, and the Estate Planners will never sell any product.

We know that the help received from them will further your desire to be found a joyful, generous steward of all that God has entrusted to you.

Thank you for your being generous.