Every organization should have a formal process for regular evaluation of the performance of its staff. The official board will ensure that an annual performance evaluation of the lead pastor (and other appointed staff) is done according to guidelines provided by the director of personnel’s office (See ¶335).
The guidelines outline the process for two forms of evaluation that will occur: the 360 performance appraisal (preferred) or any other comprehensive appraisal approved by the director of personnel, either of which must be done at least once every three years. An informal review must be done in the year(s) when the 360 performance appraisal or the approved comprehensive appraisal is not done.
The best results from a performance evaluation will be obtained if everyone involved recognizes that the process has a positive objective: the objective of obtaining the best possible performance. Performance areas that have been satisfactory or superior should be acknowledged with positive feedback and documented. Where performance is less than satisfactory, the underlying reasons should be identified, and action plans to improve performance should be clearly identified. The committee should attempt to clarify and document whether the reasons for the unsatisfactory performance lie with the pastor/staff member, the board, or with the overall actions of the local church and its congregation. It is important to remember that in a local church setting, most resources needed to achieve the church’s objectives are provided through the efforts of volunteers. The pastor or staff cannot be held totally responsible where the congregation does not have the volunteer participation and co-operation to accomplish its goals.