We confess Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. By faith, we walk with Him. We commit ourselves to know Him in His full sanctifying grace.
As God’s people, we reverence and worship Him.
We commit ourselves to cultivate habits of Christian devotion, submitting to mutual accountability, practicing private and corporate prayer, studying the Scriptures, attending public worship, and partaking of Holy Communion;
We commit ourselves to observe the Lord’s Day, setting it apart for worship, renewal, and service;
We commit ourselves to give our loyalty to Christ and the church, refraining from any alliance which compromises our Christian commitment.
This we do, by God’s grace and power.
As a people, we live wholesome and holy lives and show mercy to all, ministering to both their physical and spiritual needs.
We commit ourselves to be free from habits and attitudes that defile the mind and harm the body, or promote the same;
We commit ourselves to respect the worth of all persons as created in the image of God;
We commit ourselves to strive to be just and honest in all our relationships and dealings.
This we do, by God’s grace and power.
As a people, we honour and support the God-ordained institutions of family, state, and church
We commit ourselves to honour the sanctity of marriage, as the union of one male and one female in holy love, and the family they form;
We commit ourselves to value and nurture children, guiding them to faith in Christ;
We commit ourselves to seek to be responsible citizens, and to pray for all who lead.
This we do, by God’s grace and power.
As God’s people, we express the life of Christ in the world.
We commit ourselves to contribute to unity in the church, cultivating integrity, love, and understanding in all our relationships;
We commit ourselves to practice the principles of Christian stewardship, for the glory of God and the growth of the church;
We commit ourselves to go into our world and make disciples.
This we do, by God’s grace and power.