1. Have you faith in Christ?
2. Have you present assurance that your sins are forgiven?
3. Do you experience purity of heart and life and empowerment for service, through the fullness of the Spirit, and will you through study, counsel, and prayer seek and maintain this experience and lead your people to experience the same?
4. Are you resolved to devote yourself to God and to the work to which He calls you?
5. Will you partake of the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper as often as you can?
6. Will you endeavour to communicate the Gospel effectively?
7. Will you see that the people of all ages under your care are properly instructed and cared for?
8. Will you visit, ministering to those within and without the church?
9. Will you recommend fasting and prayer, both by teaching and example?
10. Having studied our Manual carefully, do you believe the Articles of Religion and accept the
moral vision as articulated in Chapter 6, and do you embrace the purpose, vision, mission, and
core values of The Free Methodist Church in Canada? Will you abide by the Manual’s
11. Without being sectarian, will you promote the Free Methodist Church and its ministries in
carrying out your work?
All these I affirm before God with a clear conscience.
Name: (please print) ________________________________________________________
Signed:_______________________ Witness:______________________
Date: ________________________ Date: ________________________