In order for commissioned ministers to become ordained ministers, they must:

  • be a commissioned minister in good standing;
  • have completed the following prescribed core courses within an accredited and approved (by MEGaP) seminary, college, or directed study program. These minimum credits shall include:
    – Biblical studies (9);
    – Church history (3);
    – Evangelism/church growth/planting (3);
    – Leadership/administration (3);
    – Pastoral theology and practical studies (6);
    – The balance shall be electives distributed among the following three areas: biblical studies, theology, practical studies (12 credits). (Elective courses taken to meet commissioned ministry requirements can be counted toward this requirement.);
  • have completed four years of ministry experience under (conference) supervision. Once a lay minister has been approved as a ministerial candidate and has been appointed at a local church, retroactive ministry experience equivalency credits may be granted by the director of leadership development and church health on an individual case-by-case basis, upon written request.
  • (if married after becoming a commissioned minister) spouse and ministerial candidate together meeting with a MEGaP subcommittee for spousal support interview
  • be certified by the credentialing coordinator;
  • be interviewed and recommended by the MEGaP committee to membership in the conference and ordination;
  • by action of the general conference or its board of administration be a member of a conference;
  • be ordained by the bishop or the bishop’s appointee;
  • commit to annually file a continuing education plan with the credentialing coordinator and fulfill it as a condition of maintaining good standing in the conference.