Pastor: Beloved in the Lord, you have been baptized into Christ and come now to be received into membership in this congregation of the Free Methodist Church. We rejoice, with you, in all God’s mercies that have brought you to this hour; and we join our prayers with yours as you make this sacred undertaking.
Pastor: Do you have the assurance that God has forgiven your sins through faith in Jesus Christ?
Candidate: I do.
Pastor: Do you believe the Bible is God’s written word, uniquely inspired by the Holy Spirit and do you accept its authority for what you must believe and how you must live?
Candidate: I do.
Pastor: Do you here resolve, by God’s grace, to be Christ-like in heart and life, opening yourself fully to the cleansing and empowering ministry of the Holy Spirit, the guidance of the Scriptures, and the nurture and fellowship of this church?
Candidate: By God’s enabling grace, I do resolve.
Pastor: Do you accept the Articles of Religion, the Membership Covenant, the goals for Christian conduct, and the government of the Free Methodist Church, and will you endeavour to live in harmony with them?
Candidate: Trusting God’s power to aid me, I do.
Pastor: As a follower of Jesus Christ, will you embrace the mission of the Free Methodist Church within and beyond this congregation, and will you join us in giving sacrificially of your time, talents and resources to help us carry out that mission?
Candidate: With God’s help, I will.
Pastor: I offer you the right hand of fellowship. I welcome you into The Free Methodist Church. May the experience of membership in this body enrich your life and the life of our church; and may your contribution to its life strengthen both you and all of us.
Pastor: Do you believe that Jesus Christ has forgiven your sins and is now your Saviour?
Candidate: Yes.
Pastor: Have you received Christian baptism? If not, are you willing to be baptized?
Candidate: Yes.
Pastor: Will you attend classes of instruction on living the Christian life and serving God through your church?
Candidate: Yes.
Pastor: Can the Free Methodist Church count on you? Will you pray for the church, attend regularly, give to your church and help wherever you can?
Candidate: Yes.
Pastor: Will you show your friends by the way you live what it means to be a Christian and will you try to win them to Christ?
Candidate: Yes.