¶714.1 Baptism of Non-Infant Children Under Twelve
In lieu of the questions to parents or guardians (in ¶712), the following may be asked candidates for baptism who are under twelve years of age.
1. Do you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, and do you desire to be baptized in His name?
Answer: I do.
2. Do you intend by this act to testify to all the world that you are a Christian and will be a loyal
follower of Christ?
Answer: I do.
3. Do you believe in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments?
Answer: I do.
4. Trusting God to help you, will you resist temptation always and keep from doing those things which you know to be sinful or displeasing to God?
Answer: I will.
5. Will you attend the church services and do those things you know a Christian should do?
Answer: I will.