¶620.4        Service and Ministry

Growth comes with the acceptance of full responsibility for the use of natural talents and spiritual gifts in service and ministry.  The Holy Spirit endows every believer with natural abilities for service and ministry.  These are a trust.  They must be used only in ways that will glorify God.  To use God-given abilities well is to nurture personal growth.  The Holy Spirit also distributes, as He wills, spiritual gifts of speech and service for the common good and the building of the church (I Corinthians 12:47; I Peter 4:10,11).   Spiritual gifts are to be exercised under the lordship of Christ with His love and compassion, and are not to be the cause of division in the church.  The believer is to seek as the evidence of the Holy Spirit’s fullness, not the gifts themselves, but the character and power of the Holy Spirit.