¶630.2.8.2 Abortion
Abortion is the intentional termination, by surgical or other means, of a person’s life after
conception and before birth. We consider abortion to be a violation of the sanctity of human life.
The decision to terminate a pregnancy involves religious and moral values, as well as medical and legal realities. Population or birth control, personal preference or convenience, avoidance of suffering, the anticipated quality of life of the unborn child, and social or economic security are not moral justifications for abortion.
Christian morality demands that we consider both biblical commandments and the human
situation in which decisions must be made. We recognize that in some rare cases of very extreme and exceptional medical conditions, following a process of careful discernment with the assistance of Christian professional counsel, an abortion may possibly be morally justifiable.
In all situations, compassionate alternatives and long-term care should be offered to those
considering abortion.
In responding to all situations and decisions involving abortion, the church must seek to be a
redemptive community of grace.