¶630.2.3 AS REGARDS MYSELF AND OTHERS: Possessions

¶630.2.3    Possessions

As Christians we regard all we possess as the property of God entrusted to us as stewards. We are people who exercise critical judgment about what we acquire and possess.  The Scriptures warn against pursuing wealth as an end in itself (I Timothy 6:9-10); therefore, we do not make possessions or wealth a priority (Matthew 6:19-21; Luke 12:16-21). Rather, as stewards we are people who give generously, first and foremost as an act of worship and obedience.  This meets the needs of others and supports ministry

(II Corinthians 8:1-5; 9:6-13). 

As Christians we seek to generate income (whether through employment, investments, grants/bursaries, etc.) from sources consistent with the ethics and practices of our faith.

Income generated through gambling lacks both the dignity of wages earned and the honour of a gift.  Even as entertainment, it excites greed, destroys the initiative of honest toil, exploits a neighbour, and often results in addiction.  We refrain from gambling in all its forms for conscience’ sake, and as a witness to the faith we have in Christ.

We recognize debt as a form of bondage (Proverbs 22:7) that limits our capacity to be generous.  In keeping with Jesus’ teaching about serving only one master (Matthew 6:24), as Christians we strive to be free from debt (Romans 13:8).

While customs and community standards change, there are changeless scriptural principles of moderation and modesty that govern us as Christians in our attitudes and conduct.  Whatever we buy, use, or wear reflects our commitment to Christ and our witness in the world (I Corinthians 10:31-33). We therefore avoid extravagance and apply principles of simplicity of life when we make choices as to the values that we project through our possessions.