When a provisional annual conference has fulfilled the following requirements and has reached the stage where it has a Manual that has been approved by the Board of Administration of the Free Methodist Church in Canada and has demonstrated that it is able to operate satisfactorily under its Manual, it shall approved as an annual conference.
It has:
- 10 organized churches
- 10 ordained ministers
- 600 adult members
- A Manual approved by the Free Methodist Church in Canada
- A functioning Board of Administration, MEGaP Committee Nominating Committee
- A Strategic Plan and track record that demonstrates the healthy existence of the following:
a) Discipleship and the leadership training programs for laity and ministerial candidates
b) Church growth leading to healthy organized local churches as evidenced by their ability:
- to care for the people/members
- to support their pastors
c) Church planting/expansion goals
- divided into districts for greater growth and use of human resources
d) Financial structures – viable budget
- an established track record in pastoral support
- auto-sufficiency in finances, stewardship
e) Missions
7. Property purchase and construction of facilities