1. During the annual meeting, the society will elect members to the official board and, based on the organization plan and policies approved by the society, other committees and personnel to staff the various service positions of the church (See ¶325.1). Leaders in the church should meet the leadership qualifications of ¶630.3.3.

2.   Official Board

  • 2.1. The society shall elect an official board of no less than three and no more than 15 members. (See 325.1)
  • 2.2. No office shall be filled by the same person for more than six consecutive years.  (In the case of delegates, see ¶320.3.5.) Where the nominating committee recommends that a longer term is necessary, the election shall be by at least a two-thirds majority.  It is recommended that the members of committees and the board serve on rotating terms to provide some continuity along with change.
  • 2.3. Officers of the Society and Official Board: The society will elect persons to serve as secretary and treasurer of the society and official board, or grant authority to the official board to appoint such officers.

3.   Delegates

  • 3.1. The delegates serve a number of functions. They serve as the ongoing liaison between the local church and the conference and its national leadership team. They will also serve on the Pastoral Leadership Task Force if the local church enters into a pastoral transition (change of pastors) during their term of office. They also serve as the voting representatives of the local church during conference sittings. A delegate’s job description is found in 375.5.
  • 3.2. Reserve delegates will serve in the place of delegates at the conference sitting if delegates are not able to serve.
  • 3.3 The number of lay delegates elected by a local church is as follows:
    a. A local church without a pastor elects one lay delegate.
    b. A local church with at least one appointed pastor (ordained, commissioned, ministerial candidate) will elect one lay delegate, and may elect additional delegates according to the greater of:

    • i. one additional lay delegate for each appointed ordained minister (beyond the lead pastor) serving at least half-time.


    • ii. one lay delegate for every 75 members (that is, 1-75 members entitles the society to one lay delegate; 76-150 members entitles to two delegates; 151-225 members entitles to three delegates, etc.)
  • 3.4 The number of delegates to be elected shall be according to the number of appointed pastors/and members at the time of the deadline set by the conference for submitting the names of delegate(s).
  • 3.5  The delegate(s) and reserve delegate(s) may be elected by the society or the society may choose to empower the official board to elect delegates from among its members. In order for delegates to have one year of service prior to attending general conference, and then to have two years to work with the pastor to implement the actions of the general conference, they may be elected at a society/official board meeting a year prior to the sitting of the general conference, and will serve until the next such election. (See ¶315.6-7) The delegates should normally serve for a maximum of three consecutive terms.Delegates to be elected for additional consecutive terms must be elected by at least a two-thirds majority.
  • 3.6  The delegate, or where more than one is elected, the first delegate elected, shall serve on the official board. The role of delegate and board chair should not normally be filled by the same person. It may be advisable for all delegates to serve on the official board if this does not unduly increase the size of the board.


4.   Other Officers

  • 4.1  Signing Officers (financial): The society, or in its place, the official board, shall elect financial signing officers who will have the authority to sign cheques, and other financial documents.
  • 4.2  Auditors: The society, or in its place, the official board, shall elect an auditor who will have the responsibility of conducting a financial review of the accounts of all organizations or groups within the local church. The auditor shall report in writing to the annual meeting of the society.  External auditors may be used.
  • 4.3  Financial Tellers: The society, or in its place, the official board, shall elect financial tellers who shall assist the treasurer to count offerings and complete signed offering reports stating the date and the amount of the offering.
  • 4.4  Financial Secretary: A financial secretary may be elected by the society, or in its place, the official board, to assist the treasurer in the keeping of financial accounts.

5.   Committees of the Local Church

  • 5.1  The society shall elect the members of local church committees, unless otherwise provided for by local policy adopted by the society.
  • 5.2  The following committees shall be elected: Trustees: The trustees shall be elected by the society by ballot vote. There shall be no fewer than three trustees, two thirds of which shall be members of the local church. The society may optionally elect to have the official board serve as the trustees of the society for legal and financial matters and make provision for another committee to care for maintenance and other property matters.
    • 5.2.1.  Pastor’s Cabinet: The pastor’s cabinet shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by the society. It shall have no fewer than three members and no more than seven, who shall be members of the society. Alternatively, the society may direct to have the official board serve as the pastor’s cabinet.  At least one delegate shall be a member. (See ¶373.2.6)
    • 5.2.2.  Nominating Committee: The nominating committee shall be elected from among the members of the church by the society by ballot. The senior pastor is an ex officio member.
  • 5.3 Local churches are encouraged to ensure that at least a majority, preferably two-thirds of the members of church committees, are members of the local church.



Where a member of the Official Board has an interest in a material contract or transaction or a proposed material contract or transaction with the local church, such member shall disclose such interest in writing or request that such disclosure be recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the Official Board.  Where a church is federally incorporated, the member shall comply, in all respects, with section 141 of the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act and may be required by the Official Board to withdraw from any discussion with respect to same.  Such member shall not vote on the matter being considered.  If the material contract or transaction is retained or awarded where a member has an interest, the member shall resign from the Official Board.  The member shall comply with all provincial laws which protect charitable property within the province of the local church.