CliffsNotes – June 25, 2019

Jared’s Sabbatical…

Cliff: Jared, you are eligible to take a sabbatical according to our policy, therefore you recently applied for one to our Personnel Team. Why is a sabbatical important to you?

Jared: Sabbaticals are important because they allow for two very important things: rest and perspective. Ministry, especially if you love what you do, can be tiring in its own unique way. Loving what you do invites you to give just a little bit more a little bit more often. After years of that you can find yourself depleted. So a very important part of a sabbatical is relearning how to work from a place of rest. Rest is a very counter-cultural act in Canada. It isn’t widely valued in a 24/7 365 culture. That’s what makes it so important! It also happens to be very close to the heart of God. Sabbath rest is an essential part of how God views work. Sabbaticals are also about perspective. In ministry it can also be very easy to get into the rut of routine: these are my leaders, these are my goals and meetings, this is how we do things, and this when we do them. Stepping out of the everyday flow of ministry allows you to ask deeper questions: Who else can lead? What other things should we talk about? How else can we do what we do? What should we be giving our time to now? On sabbatical I will still be the Director of Church Planting. However, by stepping out of the everyday flow I will be able to see that role and calling differently.

Cliff: What are your plans for this time away?

Jared: I have 3 goals for my sabbatical: family, rest, perspectiveFamily – I would like to have time and space to intentionally reconnect with my family. My work often takes me away from them. This has been especially challenging year for us as “Team Siebert” as we navigate the teenage phase of life together. Intentionally reconnecting will look like taking a number of bike packing trips, camping, and some road trips together. The boys are especially excited to be participating in Evo (a major video game competition) this year in Las Vegas. This is their idea of a good time. I will be going as well. 😉

Rest – I would like to have significant time to rest. This will be a major focus of my sabbatical plan. What follows here may not sound very restful to you but this actually does it for me. Here are some recreational spots I hope to hit:

  • Mountain Biking in Squamish, BC – through New Leaf Design Shops in Vancouver I made a connection to a church planting coach that is an avid mountain biker. He works for a major bike manufacturer, has some equipment to lend, and also happens to have the best mountain biking runs in the world in his backyard.
  • Extended Cycling Trip – at the end of the summer several men from Lakeview go on a two week cycling trip. This year’s plan is to pedal into Montana and take advantage of about 200kms of beautiful riding trails plus extended distances on the road.

Perspective – recently I received an invitation from a Free Methodist missionary/church planter in Belgium. He wanted to engage me in a conversation about church planting in a post-Christian context. This is something that we happen to do a lot of thinking about as the FMCiC. The current plan is to spend a week or two in Belgium learning about the challenges planters face in Western Europe and seeing if some of the things we are learning in Canada are helpful to their work.

Cliff: While you are away who do people contact if they have a Church Planting question, concern or emergency? And when will you be back?

Jared: My sabbatical will be from June 24 – September 16th. For our church planters they can direct their questions to their church planting coach. Jessica Isaak and Marc McAlister will also be on hand to help out our coaches. If you meet a new potential planter please forward their contact info to Jessica Isaak and she will get them in touch with a planting coach for follow up.

Cliff: Pray for the Siebert family that this sabbatical would be a refreshing [and more] time with each other and God!

This past weekend Karlene and I worshiped with the Picton FM. Providentially Picton FM was in the news this past week, so my visit was well timed. I have asked Pastor Kevin to tell you in his own words about the circumstances and learnings – in next week’s Cliff’s Notes.



Church Health Thursdays – We The Church:
News & Stories Blog – The Xchange:
the conneXion – a Free Methodist theology blog: 3 Minute Theology 2.5: Knowing the Bible Inside Out:
New Leaf Network: Learning Party stories – Andrew Benson:
Faith and Finances Website:


Rev. Dorian Powell (Pastor at Dryden FMC, Dryden, ON) – approved to complete the transfer of his ordination credentials from the FMC-USA into the FMCiC, effective June 21, 2019.

Rev. James [Woo-Ram] Park – approved to complete the transfer of his ordination credentials from the Korean Association of Independent Churches and Missions into The FMCiC, and appointed as Church Planter Pastor at Your Korean Community Church, Welland, ON, effective June 20, 2019.

Pastor James Pedlar (Associate at Wesley Chapel FMC, Scarborough, ON) – approved for ordination.

Pastor Caleb Blankenship – approved to transfer from the FMC-USA into the FMCiC as a Ministerial Candidate, and appointed as Associate Pastor at Trulls Road FMC, Courtice, ON, effective June 20, 2019

Pastor Sabrina Hinds – approved as a Ministerial Candidate and appointed as Assistant Pastor at Kingsview FMC, Etobicoke, ON, effective June 20, 2019

Pastor Tyler McAlister – approved as a Ministerial Candidate and appointed as Assistant Pastor at Whitby FMC, Whitby, ON, effective June 20, 2019.

Nora Griffin – approved to Ontario MEGaP Committee, replacing Steve Cylka, effective June 19, 2019.


Ordination and Commissioning Services 

Belinda Leibel – Commissioning Service at Northview Community Church, Regina, SK – September 22, 2019 at 5:00 pm

James Pedlar – Ordination Service at Wesley Chapel Free Methodist Church, Scarborough, ON – date and time TBA


Register online through the link above

Lay Ministers tracking for credentialed ministry and those transferring ordination credentials into the FMCiC need to take the following two courses for full credit – and if possible, the Heart course first and then Wesleyan Theology.

Heart of Canadian Free Methodism:
November 1-3, 2019 – western Canada-location TBA*

Cours sur le Coeur du Méthodisme Libre Canadien
12 au 14 juillet 2019 à Montréal à l’Église Méthodiste Libre de St-Henri

Wesleyan Theology:
October 25-27, 2019 – Holt Free Methodist Church, Mount Albert, Ontario
(also available online through FMC-USA:

Ministerial Candidates tracking for Commissioned or Ordained Minister are required to take the following two courses for full credit.  Those who are already commissioned or ordained are required to either audit these two courses for 1 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) each or take the two courses and complete the assignments for 3 CEUs each.

Culture and the Missional Church:
Western Canada course starts October 7 (deadline to register – October 1)
Part One: Oct 7-31 – advance online engagement
Part Two: Nov 1-2 – two-day in-person class at Lakeview Free Methodist Church, Saskatoon, SK

Personal and Church Stewardship:
5-week online course (FRENCH) – start date – TBA
6-week online course (ENGLISH) – start date – TBA

(*locations are selected based on where the majority of the participants reside – so please register early!)


October 15 is the deadline to apply for the Leadership Scholarship Plan (LSP) for any courses taken during either the summer and/or the fall semesters of 2019. The 2019 application forms and instructions are now available to download from the link above.

October 15 is the deadline to apply for the annual Special Scholarships for courses taken during 2019 – apply online from the link above


Ordained and Commissioned Ministers (except retirees) are to annually report Continuing Education Units (CEUs) acquired during each year.  Check the link above for information on CEUs, the report form and a list of examples of many different types of life-long learning that can be applied as CEUs.
Note:  For those who attended the fall Minister’s Conferences, add 6 hours of CEU credit when you send in your annual CEU report. 


Caistor Centre FMC, Caistor Centre, ON
Hampton FMC, Saskatoon, SK
Madoc Wesleyan/FMC, Madoc, ON
New Horizons Community Church – Sarnia, ON


Church Profiles available
Contact Susan DePlanché  in the  Leadership Development Office to request a church profile – or 289-228-1225 (deadline to apply in brackets)

None at this time


Preparing Profiles

(If you are interested in seeing the profile for any of these churches, please contact Susan in the Leadership Development Office [ or 289-228-1225] and the profile will be emailed to you as soon as it becomes available.)

Athens FMC, Athens, ON (Angel Valentin-Transition Pastor)
Crossroads FMC, Salmon Arm, BC (Vern Frudd – Interim Pastor)
Queensway FMC, Niagara Falls, ON
Richmond Hill Chinese & English FM Churches, Richmond Hill, ON (Abbs So and Shadow Lau-Interim Co-Pastors)
Smiths Falls FMC, Smiths Falls, ON (Vic Stonehouse)

Youth and Young Adults Ministries Director – Barrie FM Church
Part-Time Office Administrator – Westdale Park FM Church
Children’s Ministry Director – Barrie FM Church
Intern Job Position – Maple Grove Christian Retreat Centre
Youth Pastor – Malvern Methodist