Women in Leadership: Not Just Another Position Paper (though our position papers are foundational readings, maybe on your summer reading list!)…
Seems I’m on a role with interviews! This time it’s with our leader for the “Engaging Women in Leadership” Team, Jan Kupez who is a member of the Kemptville FM Church. This is both an update and an appeal pastors to participate in the very short survey that this team will be sending you…
Cliff: Jan, besides the fact that you were asked, why did you take on the role as leader for this team?
Jan: Initially I felt that I did not have enough margin to tackle this role although I felt the importance of the mission of this task force. However, I took on the leadership role for the team because I clearly heard God tell me that I could and therefore I should. One Sunday morning while my pastor was preaching on the Good Samaritan, I felt I should go to the altar and ask the Lord’s advice on this question. God reminded me that the Good Samaritan did what he did because he was able – and so should I. I did not expect this parable to speak to me in the way it did. God continues to amaze.
Cliff: What’s the mandate of the team?
Jan: To explore barriers that continue to hinder women into leadership and recommend ways to remove those barriers therefore releasing women for more effective leadership and ministry in the Free Methodist Church. This will better align the expression of our doctrinal position on women in leadership and our reality.
Cliff: What has your team been up to?
Jan: While we have yet to meet face to face, we have had several video conferences (exploring the many faces of internet connectivity across this vast country), email exchanges and collaboration in documents we are preparing. We have done some reading from others who have explored this topic, in particular in the FM USA church and examined data that is already out in the field, not just within the FM church. Together we have agreed on a methodology that we believe will yield the best information and lead us towards making practical recommendations, which is key to our mandate.
Cliff: I hear that a survey is being sent out: to whom and how important is it that it is filled in right away?
Jan: We are about to launch 2 surveys as a way to gather some initial data. One survey will go to all church pastors and this one is really key as it will help us identify the current reality and cultural environment. It is very short and we hope all pastors will give it prompt attention. As a busy leader myself, I understand the challenges of an inbox that never seems to empty so if something can be responded to easily, it moves to the top and we have designed this survey with that in mind. We are not moving forward with any preconceived ideas and so hearing from as many of our church leaders as possible is important.
The other survey will go to all women in leadership positions in the FMCiC, credentialed, lay leaders as well as candidates and commissioned ministers. The results of this survey will then be processed and analyzed to identify a cross section of women to interview for their stories. While an earlier appeal for names of female lay leaders in our congregations produced about 20 names, we would like to hear from as many as possible, irrespective of their current role in their churches.
If anyone has any questions or want to contact the team feel free to connect at: womeninleadership@fmcic.ca
This past weekend Karlene and I worshiped and ate with the Odessa FM. I especially appreciated that Pastor Ross (who has officially transferred into the FMCiC from the Wesleyan Church) invited the congregation forward to pray. He prayed one on one with each person that came forward, while the rest of us worshiped. Thank you Odesa for the good welcome. Welcome Pastor Ross and Penny.
Lastly, I pray for a refreshing summer for you. Let me challenge you to two Bible disciplines: meditation and memorization. These two ingredients in good Bible study are often neglected because of our busy-ness. Maybe in the next few weeks you’ll rediscover (or discover) how important these are…
Church Health Thursdays – What To Do About Hez: https://fmcic.ca/what-to-do-about-hez/New
News & Stories Blog – The Table: https://fmcic.ca/the-table/ New
the conneXion – a Free Methodist theology blog: 3 Minute Theology 2.5: Knowing the Bible Inside Out: https://fmcic.ca/3-minute-theology-2-5-knowing-the-bible-inside-out/
New Leaf Network: New Season Trailer – The Neighbourhood Series: https://www.newleafnetwork.ca/podcast/new-season-trailer-the-neighbourhood-series/
Ep 65 – Neighbourhood series – Preston Pouteaux: https://www.newleafnetwork.ca/podcast/ep-65-neighbourhood-series-preston-pouteaux/
Faith and Finances Website: http://faithandfinances.ca
None this week
Ordination and Commissioning Services
Belinda Leibel – Commissioning Service at Northview Community Church, Regina, SK – September 22, 2019 at 5:00 pm
James Pedlar – Ordination Service at Wesley Chapel Free Methodist Church, Scarborough, ON – September 29, 2019 at 4:00 pm
FOUNDATIONAL COURSES https://fmcic.ca/foundational-courses/
Register online through the link above
Lay Ministers tracking for credentialed ministry and those transferring ordination credentials into the FMCiC need to take the following two courses for full credit – and if possible, the Heart course first and then Wesleyan Theology.
Heart of Canadian Free Methodism:
November 1-3, 2019 – western Canada-location TBA*
Cours sur le Coeur du Méthodisme Libre Canadien
12 au 14 juillet 2019 à Montréal à l’Église Méthodiste Libre de St-Henri
Wesleyan Theology:
October 25-27, 2019 – Holt Free Methodist Church, Mount Albert, Ontario
(also available online through FMC-USA: http://fmcusa.org/leadership/courses/)
Ministerial Candidates tracking for Commissioned or Ordained Minister are required to take the following two courses for full credit. Those who are already commissioned or ordained are required to either audit these two courses for 1 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) each or take the two courses and complete the assignments for 3 CEUs each.
Culture and the Missional Church:
Western Canada course starts October 7 (deadline to register – October 1)
Part One: Oct 7-31 – advance online engagement
Part Two: Nov 1-2 – two-day in-person class at Lakeview Free Methodist Church, Saskatoon, SK
Personal and Church Stewardship:
5-week online course (FRENCH) – start date – TBA
6-week online course (ENGLISH) – start date – TBA
(*locations are selected based on where the majority of the participants reside – so please register early!)
2019 SCHOLARSHIPS https://fmcic.ca/scholarships/
October 15 is the deadline to apply for the Leadership Scholarship Plan (LSP) for any courses taken during either the summer and/or the fall semesters of 2019. The 2019 application forms and instructions are now available to download from the link above.
October 15 is the deadline to apply for the annual Special Scholarships for courses taken during 2019 – apply online from the link above
CONTINUING EDUCATION UNITS (CEUs) https://fmcic.ca/introduction-to-continuing-education/
Ordained and Commissioned Ministers (except retirees) are to annually report Continuing Education Units (CEUs) acquired during each year. Check the link above for information on CEUs, the report form and a list of examples of many different types of life-long learning that can be applied as CEUs.
Note: For those who attended the fall Minister’s Conferences, add 6 hours of CEU credit when you send in your annual CEU report.
Caistor Centre FMC, Caistor Centre, ON
Hampton FMC, Saskatoon, SK
Madoc Wesleyan/FMC, Madoc, ON
New Horizons Community Church – Sarnia, ON
Church Profiles available
Contact Susan DePlanché in the Leadership Development Office to request a church profile – susan.deplanche@fmcic.ca or 289-228-1225 (deadline to apply in brackets)
None at this time
Preparing Profiles
(If you are interested in seeing the profile for any of these churches, please contact Susan in the Leadership Development Office [susan.deplanche@fmcic.ca or 289-228-1225] and the profile will be emailed to you as soon as it becomes available.)
Athens FMC, Athens, ON (Angel Valentin-Transition Pastor)
Crossroads FMC, Salmon Arm, BC (Vern Frudd – Interim Pastor)
Queensway FMC, Niagara Falls, ON
Richmond Hill Chinese & English FM Churches, Richmond Hill, ON (Abbs So and Shadow Lau-Interim Co-Pastors)
Smiths Falls FMC, Smiths Falls, ON (Vic Stonehouse)
Youth and Young Adults Ministries Director – Barrie FM Church
Children’s Ministry Director – Barrie FM Church
Youth Pastor – Malvern Methodist