“Hezekiah received the letter from the messengers and read it. Then he went up to the temple of the LORD and spread it out before the LORD. And Hezekiah prayed to the LORD…..O LORD our God, deliver us from his hand, so that all kingdoms on earth may know that you alone, O LORD, are God.” (Is. 37:14, 15, 20)
Praying for Signs and Wonders:
Hezekiah went into the house of prayer when confronted with the power of the enemy and Israel was delivered from that evil. What a great example for the FMCIC to follow. We were told by Dr. Steve Elliot at our fall pastor’s conference that on average the evangelical churches across Canada and the US are plateaued or in decline. We were also told that 60% of the children raised in our churches are leaving the church when they become adults. At our General Conference just over a year ago, significant indicators like attendance, membership, conversions, finances are down. We cannot accept this as our “new norm”. Judah was facing a similar plight as the enemy closed in on them for the kill, but Hezekiah knew what to do. He called on the LORD to deliver them from evil. Dr. Elliot pointed out to us that while friendship evangelism and living godly lives are critical to reaching people for Christ, it is not nearly as effective without God confirming the gospel with signs and wonders. Prayer is the key that releases that power of God. We can polish our shields and sharpen our swords, but unless the LORD goes out with our armies, we will continue to have minimal results.
That is why the FMCIC is seeking to stir up a spirit of intercession among us that will mount like a wave until it crests in an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in unmistakable ways. I am encouraged to hear of various pastors preaching on prayer, some churches are initiating new, regular prayer meetings, others are conducting prayer retreats and vigils, while some are joining forces with other churches from time to time. I am also hearing of answers to prayer where people are being healed. If you are experiencing a new stirring up of prayer in your own life or in your church’s life, please let us know so that we can encourage each other to pray like the early church did, that was “devoted to prayer” (Ac.2:42)
Ken Roth