Prayer Focus for November Zoom Prayer Meeting

Prayer Focus for November Zoom Prayer Meeting


Francophone Ministries – David & Jenn Wright

Pray! Pray for the Lord’s leading; for His connections and divine appointments. Pray for those that would be lead to be involved in these exchanges and all the details involved in that. Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the French speaking world (and the rest of Canada while you are at it!) that they would have a hunger for the things of God. Pray that we would have clear direction on where and when (and if) we should be moving to Quebec. Pray for our family as we will likely be leaving the boys and aging parents behind should we move.

Intercultural Engagement Leader and Team

Prayerfully create a Ministry Plan that will include the following: consider the state of Kingdom advancement in Canada (i.e. is there a healthy church within reach of every Canadian? Church Planting will help direct this conversation); explore Church effectiveness with regards our Indigenous peoples, Quebec, new Canadians, “Nones” and “Dones”; lead the IET to be a resource for local churches as local churches want to engage in missions; develop short-term mission opportunities for youth and local churches (to reboot, re-excite, and expose our FMCIC to cross-cultural missions).

Development of an International Student Friendship Center in Ottawa

Chapel Ridge, in conjunction with Love Ottawa and many other churches in Ottawa, has been reaching out to internationals through Friends for Dinner. Over the past 5 years hundreds of students have been in Christian homes during Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. Through this we have seen how open they are to friendship and the gospel. We think that there is a need for an International Student Friendship Center where these many contacts, and their friends, can hang out in a location that is close to where they live and study, and provides a warm third space environment for that to happen. Since the FM church in Ottawa, called Ecclesiax, has disbanded there is interest in using these 5th Ave facilities for this purpose.

Task Force FMCIC & LGBTQ: 

The BOA has established a Task Force to develop a five-year strategic plan (which includes long-term desired outcomes) for equipping our movement to engage more effectively with LGBTQ matters. The plan will include such things as but not limited to: surveying our pastors (anonymously); focus group(s); possible equipping events or forums at General Conference; establishment of a support network for pastors with LGBTQ family members; consulting with experts, affirming believers, and same-sex attracted Christians, and with the FMCUSA.

Task Force addressing: “how will FMCiC encourage and engage women into the fullness of their callings and in leadership”