Since we are a part of the family of Christ, that makes the whole world part of our community, and we have a responsibility as the Church to try and meet the needs of our community. Needs not only for the Gospel of Christ to be preached but the physical, social, and cognitive needs of those in the communities.
At ICCM, we encourage the accepting of this responsibility by activating change in local churches and giving them the opportunity to partner with communities around the world. This allows both parties to learn and grow more into the image of Jesus.
Trulls Road Free Methodist Church and their ‘Shipwrecked’ themed Vacation Bible School is a wonderful example of how it works. They hosted 90 children at their VBS, 60% of which do not attend their church. They spent the week playing games, creating arts and crafts, singing, and discovering the Bible. The leaders decided to incorporate a service project into the curriculum so that children and their parents, could understand that serving Jesus and serving others go hand in hand. Demonstrations were done using the ICCM water filters and the children were then asked to bring in quarters to raise funds for water filters for a school in Kenya. What a response! There were families who paid for a single filter themselves and many children emptied their piggy banks so that children just like them would have access to clean water. By the end of the week, these 90 children had raised enough money to purchase 12 water filters for the school in Kenya!
That is what we are here to encourage and help facilitate. Congregations like Trulls Road Free Methodist Church have not only accepted the responsibility for their immediate community, but for the extended world community. Showing the love of Christ to children and their parents and teaching them what it means to show the love of Christ to everyone, even if they are far away.
International Childcare Ministries