Within the process of growth, the use of reflection and refinement are key – both in the expression of vision and belief, and in the use of structure and its systems. Organizationally the Board of Administration has the opportunity to engage a new structure that we believe could enhance the function and quality of work accomplished by the BOA while providing a more consistent and farther reaching support of those that make up the denomination.
The Board of Administration and the National Leadership Team are considering a move towards the use of teams to organize and direct ministries. The teams would be led by an NLT member or team leader with a BOA representative participating at each table. The team approach would allow our NLT to more easily identify and recruit the people and resources most beneficial to their ministries and the BOA participation ensures a link to our denominational governance.
This significant shift creates the possibility that the BOA could be reduced in size and still be effective in supporting the work of the NLT and their teams. As well, organizational research shows that when a group is larger than 12 people, the ability of that team or committee to operate with full participation or to have optimal effectiveness is greatly lowered. The smaller numbers lend to the making of a more cohesive group that is more able to live into a group covenant. The Board can still draw on external resource people, as required, while the smaller group would facilitate simpler communication, more direct involvement, and creating an investment in our activities.
The Board of Administration will be submitting a motion for the General Conference 2020 that reflects the shifts we are making within our structure and systems. The proposed change is to have a minimum number of 10 to serve on the Board of Administration with one BOA representative on each of our working teams. Structurally, the teams will include:
- Intercultural Engagement Team,
- Church Planting,
- Leadership Development,
- Church Health,
- Personnel,
- Prayer, and
- Children and Youth.
Management Committee is the one exception and requires 3 BOA members as a best practice.
We value the balance of clergy and lay members and would encourage the Nominating Committee to continue, to the extent possible, the balance geography and gender when recruiting board members that would contribute well on the board and associated teams.
The opportunity of reshaping the Board of Administration is significant. May the time and challenge of the growth process reflect our desire and commitment to pursue God’s will and accept responsibility for, you, our community.