Let’s Be Brave for Christ…

Bishop Cliff asked a question on a Sunday morning not too long ago, “What kind of church does
Canada need?” The answer followed, “One that accepts responsibility for its community.”
Currently, the leadership of The Free Methodist Church in Canada has been undergoing a
national LifePlan – a health conversation designed to lead our denomination into responding
and faithfully adapting to its changing context. Many new ideas, systems and plans have, and
will be coming out of this process. It’s an exciting time!

This issue of the MOSAIC celebrates people! People who made a great impact on our
movement and are no longer with us, people who are retiring from public ministry, and still some
others who are celebrating special anniversaries. We are very grateful for all their contributions
over the years.

I’d also like to take a moment and mention the FMCIC app that was launched at General
Conference and encourage you to download it. It’s free and it provides, in the palm of your
hand, a lot of great resources (see page 6) for a list.

I want to circle back to my opening paragraph with Bishop Cliff’s question, “What kind of church
does Canada need? One that accepts responsibility for its community.” How is this to be
accomplished? Through our stories, through prayer, through the power of the Holy Spirit,
through bravery and courage. Can I encourage all of us to be prayerful, trusting, and brave as
we move forward together.

[Lisa Howden, Managing Editor | lisa.howden@fmcic.ca]