Monthly National Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, February 22, 2023
1. We praise our God who is holy: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory.” (Isaiah 6:1-3)
2. We thank God for the Holy Spirit, the Living Water, which Jesus has made available to all who ask Him according to John 4:10, 13 and 14.
3. We ask God for a deep hunger for His Presence in our local churches and a move of God across Canada.
4. We ask the Lord to prompt those whom He has called to join the 30 minutes of Daily Prayer for Revival of FMCiC (Noon Eastern). Please see the LINK and PASSCODE above.
5. That God will raise up and highlight the ones whom He has called to serve on NLT as Church Health & Planting Director; and as Admin Director.
6. That God will give clarity to pastors who are considering transition; and that He guide those who are in transition to the churches and ministries to which He has called them; and that selection committees would recognize the pastoral leader whom God has chosen.
7. That God anoint our pastors with fresh oil according to Psalm 92:10.
8. We thank God and ask Him for a special blessing to fall on the many who pray for FMCiC.
9. We thank God for His protection and provision for the Team who have just returned from Ghana.
10. Pray for the peoples in countries suffering from cataclysmic weather conditions and wars.
11. Please continue to pray that the bill to expand MAID to include people with mental illness be stopped.