Donate to Global Ministries

We are involved in touching the world

Our churches across the country are engaged in global ministries through a whole variety of means. Some churches are involved hands-on in long-term commitments to develop new church plants in unreached parts of the world. Other churches are joined together to fund global ministry through this Giving Stream. Through the Global Ministries Giving Stream we enable international missionaries to faithfully point people of other cultures to the healing and transforming work of Jesus Christ, as well as encourage the development of healthy Christian communities and disciple mature Christian leaders. Our priorities for the use of these funds are based upon:

Building Indigenous Leaders: Our collective resources contribute to the training and development of Christian leaders in countries in West and East Africa, South and Southeast Asia, and Latin America. Unreached People Groups: As we work together, we are helping to share a Christian witness among people groups with little or no access to the story of Jesus in Asia and West Africa. Global Stewardship: Resources, which have been gathered from local churches, are being shared with hurting people through the ministries of Free Methodist churches in East Africa and South Asia.

By donating to this Giving Stream you join local churches and Canadian missionaries, who through these ministry priorities, are vitally involved in helping us reach beyond our own borders to touch the world.

Donate to Global Ministries


The above link will direct you to our page on the Canada Helps website. When completing this secure online form please ensure that you have seleceted “Global Ministries” under fund designation. If you require any assistance please contact the Ministry Centre.