Donate to Leadership Development

We are developing gifted and passionate Christian leaders for ministry

Seeking to invest resources strategically and mature those who desire to grow as part of our national church mission is one of our priorities.

Over the years faithful visionaries have set aside special education funds, providing scholarships for emerging leaders. The Leadership Scholarship Plan makes grants available to students who are pursuing ministry with The Free Methodist Church in Canada. All new students receiving scholarship funds must be recommended for Ministerial Candidacy by their local church board. Each year dozens of students receive scholarships to study at a number of approved ministry training institutions across the country.

Recently, because of the economic downturn, funding for scholarships has been significantly reduced providing students with only a portion of the original subsidy.

Our continued commitment to this Giving Stream will ensure that up-and-coming leaders will be well equipped for ministry.


Donate to Leadership Development


The above link will direct you to our page on the Canada Helps website. When completing this secure online form please ensure that you have seleceted “Leadership Development” under fund designation. If you require any assistance please contact the Ministry Centre.