What if…
- everyone in your congregation was free of consumer debt?
- everyone in your congregation was living within an appropriate budget for their income?
- the individuals and couples in your congregation didn’t feel stress over finances?
- each family in your congregation didn’t feel like they had to “keep up” with the neighbours?
- each household in your congregation gave of their time, talents and treasure as God prompted?
- we all thought more about how little we should keep rather than how much we should give?
- your congregation felt that the best place they could give back to God was through their local church?
What would that look like at your church? How would your church be different than it is today? Where and to whom would your church be ministering?
Start by downloading the Church Giving Diagnostic Tool and completing it. While this is not a “statistically significant” diagnostic tool, it is helpful to begin conversations with board members and church leaders.