One of the core values of the Free Methodist church is learning. We also seek to invest resources strategically and mature those who desire to grow as part of our national church mission.

Personal & Church Stewardship is one of the required courses for those who are tracking for credentialled ministry in The Free Methodist Church in Canada.

Course Description

  • The purpose of the stewardship foundational course is to educate and inspire regarding biblical stewardship.  We will examine biblical stewardship from both a personal and church management perspective.

Course Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, the student will:

  • have gained a holistic understanding of stewardship based on Biblical principles
  • understand the implications of context and culture as they relate to stewardship
  • have the practical tools necessary to manage our personal and church finances
  • understand the elements of serving as a steward leader
  • be able to identify stewardship “handles” for your congregation and how to address them effectively
  • be equipped to teach and transfer the principles of stewardship to your congregation
  • discover how to create and implement an effective stewardship ministry in your church

Text Books (3)

Students will be required to read the following books.  Each of the books can be ordered online through Chapters:

  1. Managing God’s Money
    Alcorn, Randy
    Tyndale House Publishing Inc., March 2011
  2. Steward Leader: Transforming People or Organizations and Communities
    Rodin, R. Scott
    Intervarsity Press, April 1, 2010
    ISBN – 13:9780830838783
  3. When Helping Hurts
    Corbett, Steve & Fikkert, Brian
    Moody Publishers, 2009
    ISBN: 978-0-8024-5705-9

Suggested Additional Reading (Not Required):

  • Revolution in Generosity
    Willmer, Wesley K
    Moody Publishers, 2008
    ISBN – 13:978-0-8024-6753-9
  • Jesus and Money
    Witherington, Ben III
    Baker Publishing Group, January 1, 2010
    ISBN – 13:9781587432743

Course Requirements:

The requirement for all FMCiC foundational courses is 24 hours of in-class time plus 66 hours of interaction with the materials (reading/paper writing/assignments) for a total of 90 hours. 

Before you come:

  • Read all required books.
  • From the date of registration for the course, begin to track your personal income and expenses  (you will be required to track your personal income and expenses for a total of 2 months).
  • Compile the following financial information from your church and bring it with you to the course:
    • Current annual budget
    • Balance Sheet and Income Statement

During “in-Class” Time:
Attend the three days (24-hours) of classes and participate in class discussions. 

After “In-Class” Time:
Students will be given a writing assignment to be completed within 90 days of the end of the in class time.

Course Assignments:

1. List 5 of your church/community most pressing problems/issues that directly affect whole-life stewardship in your church.
For each issue, explain how the issue prevents/affects stewardship, identify the ‘cultural lie’ that is at the root of the issue and the theology that counters it and provides hope/freedom in this area.

2. Write a sermon on one these issues using the required reading, course material and class discussions.

3. Track 2 months of all your spending/expenses & write a reflection on it.
Confirm in an email that you have completed the tracking and attach/include your reflection(s). (NOTE: you do not have to submit your tracking).

4. Required Reading (3 Texts). Please indicate in an email that you have read all of them and include a brief paragraph on which one you found most useful and why.

Continuing Education Credit(s):

3 CEU       Participation in class and completion of all assignments
           (REQUIRED for all Ministerial Candidates)

1 CEU      Participation in class (required reading encouraged)
           (AUDIT – Optional only for Ordained Ministers)