Day 22 (April 26, 2020)
Praise – That the spread of the virus is slowing down in several provinces of Canada.
Prayer – That our government leaders, at each level, would look to God for His help to make wise decisions about how to stop the spread of the virus and at the same time how to restart the economic growth of our nation and world (2 Chr. 1:10).
Day 23 (April 27, 2020)
Praise – For the selflessness of those in the medical profession and those caring for our seniors.
Prayer – That God would return blessings to the medical and support people in our hospitals and senior’s homes, and heal those who have contracted the virus as a result (Luke 6:38).
Day 24 (April 28, 2020)
Praise – For how God has strategically placed Christians throughout the government, hospitals and our society in general that are being lights in the midst of the darkness and pointing others to Jesus.
Prayer – That those on the front lines of this crisis, who know the Lord, will be encouraged and strengthened as they encourage their colleagues who are battling fear, depression and fatigue (2 Cor. 1:4)
Day 25 (April 29, 2020)
Praise – That God’s people are discovering, at a deeper level, that the church is not a building or a time of the week when they regularly meet, but it is made up of all who have an eternal relationship with God through faith in Jesus and love one another under every circumstance.
Prayer – That the FMCIC will be able to make lemonade out of the lemons this crisis is producing and use these newly developed skills, practices and character qualities to advance the gospel in the new world that will emerge out of this crisis (Jm. 1:2-4).
Day 26 (April 30, 2020)
Praise – That God is stirring up the church in the West to seek His face to revive us from our lukewarmness, lack of first love, moral compromise, tolerance of false doctrine, and disobedience to the promptings and conviction of the Holy Spirit (Re. 2 & 3).
Prayer – That God would reveal to us our sin so that we can repent of it, return to Him and be renewed (Lam. 5:21).
Day 27 (May 1, 2020)
Praise – That, as a denomination, we still hold to the truth and reliability of the Bible as the basis for all our beliefs and our lifestyle.
Prayer – That God would teach, embolden and empower our pastors/shepherds to feed the flock they have oversight of, with the unadulterated Word of God that is able to equip us for every good work (2 Tm. 3:15-17).
Day 28 (May 2, 2020)
Praise – That God’s plan for the world is unfolding and that He has given us the permission and grounds for rejoicing always because the birth pains coming upon the earth are indicators that our redemption is drawing close.
Prayer – That we will be a people that are watching and praying, so that we will be able to endure unto the end and be ready when Jesus returns (Lu. 21:34-36).