In August, 10-15 youth and young adults from Ontario and Quebec will have the opportunity to grow in their faith, serve the church and community, and develop cross cultural skills. These young people will be in Montreal to learn more about themselves, Canada, and serving Jesus. Discipleship and cross cultural training, worship, community service and connecting with other Free Methodist youth are all part of the Xchange, a mission experience organized by David and Jenn Wright.
Why Xchange?
Jenn: A pastor in the Montreal area asked us to organize Free Methodist experience after his church had received similar groups from other places. We saw this as an opportunity to get FM youth (and churches) from Ontario connecting with FM youth (and churches) in Quebec. It is an opportunity to cross-cultures without having to cross continents. Maybe more importantly is the fact that youth are free to dream about their future without the obligations of debt and family that frequently keep older people with a heart for missions off the field.”
Why Quebec?
Jenn: Bishop Cliff has shared that reaching Francophones is an important part of the denomination’s missions work, so this is timely.
Do you know the pastors and churches in Quebec?
Jenn: Dave and I have been connecting with a number of pastors in Quebec, listening to their concerns, encouraging them in their work in this challenging field and trying to discover how to best help them in their ministry endeavours. We have been participating in their regional gatherings and meeting with different groups of pastors every few months. We want to continue to develop these relationships and Xchange is a good opportunity to do that.
How does Xchange fit into your missions work?
Jenn: We are working in Francophone Ministries because there is such a need in this area. Less than 1% of French speaking Canadians are evangelical Christians. Our ministry is three-fold: 1) continuing to oversee the work in Niger from a distance, 2) helping our American colleagues in French speaking Europe with training, tracking and church planting strategies, and 3) helping support our pastors in Quebec with cross cultural training. Xchange fits because it is one way that we can help support and encourage our Quebec pastors.
How can we support Xchange?
Jenn: Please pray for us and all the details that need to come together this summer. We are leaving for Niger and followed by Europe two days after the Xchange which makes for an incredibly busy summer and fall. We would appreciate prayers for protection, health, safety and most of all, effectiveness in ministry. Some of our young people are having trouble coming up with the $300 required for this trip. If anyone wants to donate money towards this trip to enable young people to attend, please contact Vinola Pakkianathen at the Ministry Centre.
By Alison McKinnon
FMCiC Writer