Ever wonder what your peers are reading? Love a good book recommendation? Looking to gift a good read? You’ve come to the right place! Over the next few months we will be sharing who is reading what in 2019. First up is Bishop Cliff Fletcher.
Bishop Cliff starts each day by reading God’s word. He has a rhythm to reading books that he has followed for years: theological book followed by a scriptural book followed by a business/leadership book followed by a biography then repeat. Bishop Cliff’s wife, Karlene, is also an avid reader. “When Karlene comes across a fiction book that I might like, I save it for vacation. She recommended Kristen Hannah’s The Nightingale, a very interesting book that kept my attention which is a difficult thing sometimes!”
Bishop Cliff is either currently reading or has just finished or is looking forward to reading the following:
- David Nour’s Co-Create: How Your Business Will Profit from Innovative and Strategic Collaboration. Nour even has some good things to say about evangelism though this is not a “Christian” book.
- Ken Shigematsu’s God in my Everything: How an Ancient Rhythm Helps Busy People Enjoy God.
- Alan Kreider’s The Patient Ferment of the Early Church: The Improbable Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire.
- Xenophon’s The Education of Cyrus, This is an ancient book on leadership.
- N.T. Wright’s The Day the Revolution Began: Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus’ Crucifixion. I have been reading this one slowly as Wright makes a very compelling case through the book of Romans about covenant, crucifixion and the immediate implications of the Kingdom.
- Frank Laubach’s Letters by a Modern Mystic. Dallas Willard recommended this read – it was fine… just fine.
- Brian Zahnd’s A Farewell to Mars. Jason Tripp recommended this book and it was cheap! I haven’t opened it yet.
- Bernard Adeney’s Strange Virtues: Ethics in a Multicultural World.
- Erin Meyer’s The Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business.
- Gostick & Elton’s All In: How the Best Managers Create a Belief and Drive Big Results.
- Brene Brown’s Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts.
- Michael Card’s A Sacred Sorrow: Reaching Out to God in the Lost Language of Lament.
- Helen Pasanen’s (Pastor Liisa Farrugia’s mother who wrote and gifted me two books) Journeys and Listen, God is Calling.
- William Gaventa’s Disability and Spirituality: Recovering Wholeness.
- Joseph Maciariello’s A Year With Peter Drucker: 52 Weeks of Coaching for Leadership Effectiveness.
Look for another edition of “Who is Reading What in 2019” soon!
By Alison McKinnon
FMCiC Writer