It’s with mixed emotions that I write my last post for The Free Methodist Church in Canada. I have enjoyed every part of the past four years as Social Media Journalist. I’ve had the opportunity to chat with some amazing people and tell their stories. My colleagues at the Ministry Centre are the best, and I will miss them so much! I’m excited to get writing the many stories that are floating around in my head and possibly take a foundational course or two.
But what now? There are still FMCIC stories to tell! Well, for the next few months, Rachel Runnalls will be telling those stories. Rachel is the youth pastor at First Free Methodist Church in Moose Jaw, SK. I spoke with Rachel to find out why she was interested in this social media journalist gig. “I’m a writer, and stories interest me. Having the freedom to follow my nose around and tell the stories of what God is up to in our movement definitely appealed to me.”
Writing has been a part of Rachel’s life since her grade six teacher taught her how to string sentences together to tell a story. At the University of Alberta, Rachel majored in Arts with an emphasis on writing, both fiction and nonfiction. Midway through her degree, she felt a call to youth ministry and completed her Bachelor’s degree at Briercrest Bible College. In addition to journaling, blogging, and writing sermons, Rachel writes young adult contemporary fiction about the kinds of kids she encounters in her ministry world. Her first novel, Hiding: Every Scar Has a Story, was published in 2014 and she is currently working on her second novel.
Rachel is interested in sharing stories about how people in our movement are connecting with God. “Sometimes we focus a lot on the big, exciting ministry ventures. We should celebrate the big, but for most people, they are encountering God and serving in his Kingdom in ways that look very ordinary but still significant. I want to celebrate some of that ordinary, everyday Kingdom work that is happening across Canada.”
Rachel has no shortage of story ideas. She wants to speak with pastors, lay people, and youth. “I want to speak with young people to find out what is keeping them alive in the faith. I’m also curious to speak with people who are “done” with church because I think there might be value in us hearing why they left, what was missing and where they are finding their spiritual life now.”
Thank you, readers and friends, and on to the next adventure!
Alison McKinnon