This story is from Reverends Kevin and Beverly Kay from Wawota Free Methodist Church in Saskatchewan. Wawota boasts a population of 700. This past Sunday, the church held a parade of palms. Beverly sent the following describing the event.
Our parade of palms, caravan of connection and care, worked out better than we hoped! Twelve car loads of families or individuals (kind of like the twelve apostles) gathered at the Wawota FMC. We stayed in our individual cars, not connecting in any way which would have broken the safe distancing guidelines. We passed out disinfected artificial palm branches.
The day was sunny and warm, so we could roll down our windows. We drove through Wawota on a route that passed by fifteen of our church family residences including the circle drive in front of our local nursing home. We honked, waved palms, shouted “Hello! Happy Palm Sunday!”
We had called these families ahead of time to let them know to watch for us driving by, and they waved from their living room windows or front porches! It really boosted everyone’s spirits. It was lovely to personally connect with twenty-seven of our church families (out of approximately fifty households), and spread joy and excitement through our village! We have heard from a few others in town to say how much they appreciated the palm Sunday parade.
Hope this brings you joy today,
Beverly and Kevin Kay