the free methodist church in canada
Congratulations Bishop-Elect Linda Adams

Hello Everyone,

We are very pleased to announce that Rev. Dr. Linda Adams has been elected by majority vote to serve as the next Bishop of the Free Methodist Church in Canada. Bishop-elect Adams will begin immediately to work with Bishop Fletcher, our Personnel Team, and the BOA in the bishop transition process. Rev. Adams will not assume any official capacity until the consecration service at the General Conference in April 2024.

Voter participation was good. Eighty-seven percent of eligible voters cast their ballots. Among those ballots, 1.5% included a write-in option, and 3.7% voted to abstain. We are very grateful for all who have prayerfully considered the candidates and have participated in the voting process.

As a procedural note, when the election was closed, the results were sent to me and immediately forwarded to our BOA vice-chair Paul Millar and to our external observer, David Kendall, Bishop Emeritus, FMCUSA.

We express our appreciation to both candidates, Linda Adams and Evan Garst, for their willingness to let their names stand for Bishop and for fully engaging in the discernment process. Linda will step right into the bishop transition process, and we pray the Lord’s blessings and guidance on Evan as he determines his next steps. We also gratefully acknowledge the good work of our Ministry Centre, in particular, Lisa Howden and Vinola Pakkianathen, for coordinating and administering the online election platform.

Please pray with us for our Bishop-elect, Linda Adams, for the transition process, and our FMCIC as we continually seek the Lord’s guidance in fulfilling our responsibilities as His church in our communities.

Dave Kreutzweiser
FMCIC Board Chair


A Note from Bishop-Elect Linda Adams

Introduction to Bishop Nominee Rev. Dr. Linda Adams

Click here to read Rev. Dr. Linda Adams Biographical information