the free methodist church in canada

Sandy Crozier

Director of Generosity & Stewardship

We would like to introduce you to the Director of Generosity and Stewardship, Sandy Crozier.

Sandy has served as the Director of Generosity and Stewardship of The Free Methodist Church in Canada for over 13 years and spends most of her time helping people discover the joy in generous living – both in and outside of the church.

Sandy speaks and teaches on generous stewardship in local churches across Canada.  She also teaches the Personal Church and Stewardship Foundational Course and has developed the Financial Hope Small Group resource for local churches on connecting faith and finance in everyday life.  As part of helping local churches cultivate a culture of generous stewardship, Sandy trains and equips boards and church leaders on how to start a new conversation on giving, adopting innovative giving technology, asset mapping, and narrative budgets.  

Sandy met her husband, Rusty, while working at Yonge Street Mission’s Evergreen Coffee House (a ministry to youth on the street in downtown Toronto) and has served alongside him in ministry and life for over 42 years until his passing in 2022.  Sandy continues to celebrate life and family with her two married children and six extremely active grandchildren that continue to make life interesting.