the free methodist church in canada

Retirement in FMCIC
Stay tuned for upcoming events!

Be prepared for retirement.
Navigating Your Finances in the Later Years – Webinar Recording
The Five Most Common Mistakes in Wills – Webinar Recording
This team will create a strategic Three-Year Ministry Plan. This team will report twice a year to BOA, based on this plan (submitted to Bishop in order to be included in FMCiC’s 3 Year Ministry Plan). Any budget request will be included in the strategic plan, and therefore reported to BOA. This team will connect regularly with Bishop.
Strategic Plan
Care for Retirees
This team will work closely with Bishop & Credentialing Coordinator in order to ensure that all retirees continue to receive an opportunity to be cared for;
1. Set up a sub-committee to oversee care;
2. Find ways to stay in touch with retirees (i.e. FMCiC website dropdown page);
3. Prayer support: connect with National Prayer Team
4. Financial resourcing: courses, counseling
5. Emotional care: counseling, small groups, retreats (virtual?)
6. Connecting with FMCiC and other retirees.
Retirees are members of the General Conference, and have gifts and experience that may be available to serve the church locally or on the conference level. We value this potential resource and encourage local churches and conference leadership to offer retirees opportunity to continue to use their gifts in FMCiC. We also respect the right to decline an invitation to serve.
The team will help in preparation for retirement (church and pastor), transition, and then after retirement administration. The team will liaise between FMCiC and retirees, and support retirees with government administrative details where possible.
Contact the team
If you have questions or would like to contact the team click here.