the free methodist church in canada

Mandate | Prayer Point Person | Team

  • Equipping the churches of the FMCIC to become functioning houses of prayer. We believe a church is becoming a “house of prayer” when a significant number of God’s people pray privately and corporately seeking the kingdom of God in such an intimate way that the Lord’s Presence, unity, power and gifts operate effectively, leading to peace, divine healing, deliverance, wisdom, guidance, provision, and ultimately spiritual growth through conversion & ongoing sanctification.

So how can you be more involved?

  1. Take time each week to pray for the FMCIC whether it is in your own devotional time, in your prayer meetings, or during your regular worship service times.
  2. Make sure there is an appointed ‘Prayer Point Person’ in your church, whether it is a layperson or pastor, and if there isn’t one, volunteer! Ideally, the lead pastor will lead in encouraging growth in the church’s prayer life but the PPP can help.
  3. Ask God for ways you can grow the prayer life of your church and don’t be afraid to be creative or even a bit radical. For example, I was just talking to a pastor out West who said that they have just started devoting 15 minutes of corporate prayer in their regular worship services.
  4. Join with the larger body in prayer by attending the national, monthly, and/or daily prayer meetings via Zoom. Please see our Zoom Meetings Tab for login information.
  5. Attend and/or start regular prayer meetings in your local church and community.
  6. Share with us how God is helping you to grow in prayer and the answers to your prayers. We are starting to hear reports of new initiatives and encouraging answers to prayer that inspire us all to grow in this grace.

FMCIC Prayer Point Ministry Description 

As a family of churches, we realize that we need to pray more often, more deeply, more concertedly and with more insight so that God will renew us and reach out to our lost world for Christ through us. One of the steps we are taking in that direction is to ask each church to appoint someone to be their Prayer Point Person (PPP) whether it is a layperson or the pastor. The vision for this ministry is that this person will:

           1. Be a connection with the FMCIC to encourage their church to pray for our movement in general and with specific requests sent out from time to time.
           2. Receive resources and encouragement regarding prayer for yourself and then pass them on to your own congregation in whatever way you can. (eg.
           the monthly House of Prayer Updates, opportunities for training in prayer, videos).
           3. Attend the monthly national prayer meetings that take place the last Wednesday of each month (one in Ontario, one in the West and one in
           4. Encourage people from your church to attend, as they are able, our daily Prayer for Revival at Noon Eastern prayer meetings.
           5. Encourage your church to participate in special seasons of prayer that we engage in as a family of churches (eg. 40 Days of Prayer before General
           Conference, emergency prayer about forest fires, 21 Days of Prayer and 
Fasting, etc.).
           6. Share high level needs, answers to prayer, resources and great ideas with the NPT to pass on to the other churches (our website is being developed
           to help us with this).
           7. Learn how to work with your pastor to develop the prayer ministry of your church.
           8. Grow in your own personal prayer life so that you will know God in such a way that you become a catalyst for prayer in your family, church

We don’t expect you to do all these things when you first choose to be the Prayer Point Person for your church, but we are asking that you are prepared to grow into this important ministry and incorporate these dimensions of corporate prayer into the life of your church.

National Prayer Team Members

Ken Roth

Ken Roth

Pastor Emeritus at Chapel Ridge FMC in Ottawa, ON
National Prayer Team Lead
Elizabeth Gunter photo 3

Elizabeth Gunter

Prayer Point Person at Trulls Road FMC in Courtice, ON
NPT Secretary & Administrative Assistant to Ken Roth
Jervis Djokoto web

Jervis Djokoto

Senior Director of Church Health

David Greene

Pastor Emeritus at Arlington Woods FMC in Ottawa, ON
Laural Jeanson Photo

Laural Jeanson

Prayer Point Person at Genesis House in Okotoks. AB

Auxiliary Members

Landy Clermy
Leads the Quebec Monthly National Prayer Meetings

Starla Klinger (FMCIC Communications Content Developer)
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