Prayer Guide for January 8-9, 2009
Days of Prayer and Fasting
As we begin the journey into 2009, let’s pray with Moses:
“You have said, ‘I know you by name and you have found favor with me.’ If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people. “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.” Exodus 33:12-15
1. Let’s thank the Lord for…
- the Network Mentors and Leaders who work together all year long with the NLT to maintain networks of support for our pastors
- the growing financial support of national ministries (especially church planting).
2. Churches in Transition that need our prayers to the Lord to raise up godly, competent pastors are:
- British Columbia: Lakeside, Salmon Arm; Mainstreet, Kelowna;
- Ontario: Ecclesiax, Ottawa; Frankford FMC; Kingston West FMC; Pineview, Cloyne; Polson Park, Kingston; Rice Road, Welland; Valleyview, Blezard Valley; Westdale Park, Napanee;
- Saskatchewan: Saskatoon FMC.
3. Personnel Ministries: Please pray for:
- ministerial candidates preparing for MEGaP interviews.
- busy pastors to wisely maintain healthy balance in their lives.
- Student Ministries leaders as they meet on January 13
4. Administrative Services: Please pray for:
- the Management Committee of the BOA as it adjusts budgets to fit the reduced revenues from investments.
- Mark Molczanski and the Administrative Services team as they work with year-end pressures.
5. Growth Ministries:
- Pray for our church planters: Jean-Charles Raynal (Vision de la lumiere, Saint-Michel); Éric Cotin (Nouvelle Naissance, Montreal North); Louis Innocent (EML les élus du Christ de Le Gardeur); Joe Manafo, Nathan Colquhoun, Darryl Sylvestri (theStory, Sarnia); Jean Mbaitaloum (Le Refuge: L’Église Internationale Méthodiste Libre, Montreal); Pierre Sanambe (Source d’eau vive, Sherbrooke); Al Doseger (Rustle, Kingston); Kim Reid (The Open Door, Montreal); Andrew Rennie (Ecclesiax, Ottawa); Isaac Nizigama (Église la Lumière, Ottawa-Gatineau); Dunia Lukungu (Sherbrooke FMC), Bruce Kellar (Through the Roof, Flinton); Dave Blondel & Chris Vyn (The Third Space, Peterborough); Milton Edwards (The Way, Malvern); Sritharan Jeyarajah, Shanthikumar Kanratharatnam (Tamil churches Brampton, Malvern, Wesley Chapel); Joseph Beshai (The Good Shepherd Arabic, Toronto); Edilton da Silva (Igreja Metodista Livre, Toronto); Dan Jansen (Pineridge House, Calgary); Bruce Zantingh, Matt Turvey (The Com, Simcoe, ON); Chrisnel Leandre (l’eglise evangelique de la derniere heure d’ Ottawa); Edrice Clermy (Eglise Evangelique des Milles-Iles); Open House Ministries, Stratford, ON
6. Beyond Canada Ministries: Please pray for:
- Debbie Hogeboom (Kenya); Lois Meredith (Ethiopia), Dan Sheffield, Linda Stryker (Congo), David & Jennifer Wright (Niger).
- the FMC Mission District in Sri Lanka and the completion of the construction of the relocation homes.
- the FMC in Central Africa (Bishop Philemon remains in prison in Rwanda; many are suffering from the war in the Congo).
- the FMC in India and for Indian Christians being persecuted.
7. Stewardship Ministries: Please praise the Lord for:
- those who have chosen to manage their money by godly principles – and for the freedom and peace they are experiencing because of their decisions.
- the new stewardship coordinators that are beginning to develop this ministry in their local churches.
- Pray that during these uncertain economic times, people will turn from putting their trust in the things of this world and put their trust in God.
8. Members of the Federal and Provincial Parliaments:
- Please pray for civility, integrity, statesmanship and grace among our leaders as they seek to work together to resolve challenges in the parliaments and in the committee rooms
I appreciate you and your faithful prayers for God’s work across Canada and in other parts of the world.
– Bishop Keith