The Kids Team at Lakeview Church in Saskatoon, SK have put fun and creativity into staying connected with their kids during this strange time of physical distancing. Kids Pastor, Nancy Luross reached out to share one of their cool ideas. “We created Pandemic Pals. It’s kind of like old school pen pals, but we are calling it PAN Pals. We have about twenty kids who write a weekly letter to someone their own age. It’s a great way to encourage each other and kids always love to receive mail.”
Sabrina Tabler, Lakeview’s Family Ministry Administrator, gave her son Teeson some ideas of things he could include in his letter to his pal Kas:
- Something about yourself
- Ask a question of the other child
- Something funny
- Something about your family
- A picture
The photos below: Teeson mailing Kas a letter, Kas’s letter to Teeson, and Kas showing Teeson he likes Lego too!
The Lakeview Kids Team is also connecting with their kids through Weekly Hello videos and resources posted to their website. If you would like to check out their resources click here.
Lead Pastor Joe Manafo also dedicated one Sunday morning message to answering kid’s questions about the current pandemic.
If you have stories to share, I want to hear them! Email me
Alison McKinnon
FMCiC Writer