Team in Glass Box Restaurant
[right to left] Dan Sheffield (Director, Global and Intercultureal Ministries); Mary Elsie Wolfe (Associate Pastor at Grapeview FMC – St. Catharines, ON), David Wright (Missionary, Niger), Jared Siebert (Director, Church Development) and Jenn Wright (Missionary, Niger)
A small team consisting of Dan Sheffield, Jared Siebert and Mary-Elsie Wolfe are in Niamey, Niger, this week, visiting David & Jennifer Wright and their two sons, Cole and Ben. The purpose of the trip is to connect with Wrights on the last leg of their 4 year church planting assignment in Niger. Wrights will be returning to Canada in early summer for a one year home assignment before returning for another term in mid-2012. We have been able to take some walks through their neighbourhood, meet some of their neighbours, sit in on several Djarma language lessons; Mary-Elsie shared in a women’s meeting in Wright’s home as well as led a bible study in one of the FMC-affiliated churches. Jared will be preaching in that same church on Sunday. Dan had an afternoon conversation with Wrights and three of the key FMC leaders in Niger about present and future plans for ministry development. These are interesting days in Niger (just google ‘news’ for Niger). Please pray for good health and safety for the remaining days. The team will return to Canada at the beginning of the week. Just for interest, the temp in Niamey today was a high of 32!!