the free methodist church in canada
New to Canada
It is our hope and prayer that congregations across Canada will grow in love for their neighbours by practicing radical hospitality in the name of Jesus. Through empathy, education and equipping the IET is here to help you fulfill God’s call to missions here at home.
International Students
In 2018 over 500,000 international students attended educational institutions in Canada and over half of those students intend to apply for permanent residency. 50% of international students come from China and India, and some of the students are Christians looking for a local church. If your context includes a university or college, there is likely a campus ministry that would like to partner with your congregation.
The IET is here to help pastors and leaders form these partnerships and minister to international students. We are currently working with Friends for Dinner to make more resources available to you.

Refugee Sponsorship
Canada receives over 250,000 new immigrants and refugees each year. In the past, new immigrants settled in major cities like Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal, but today they are scattered across small towns and rural communities. In fact, according to the 2016 census, immigration in the prairies and Atlantic Canada has more than doubled in the last fifteen years.
For over twenty years the FMCiC has been practicing radical hospitality by being a Sponsorship Agreement Holder (or SAH). Each and every year, a handful of Free Methodist congregations sponsor refugees and welcome newcomers, thanks to the oversight of Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (or IRCC). We encourage you to learn more about the good work of the IRCC.
We also invite you and your congregation to support this work by partnering with our sponsoring congregations. We want to share their stories of lives changed and transformed in Jesus’ name, and we want to see more Free Methodists across Canada celebrate and further these efforts.
The IET and Administrative Services are here to facilitate this process, so if you’d like to learn more please contact us.
We’re also incredibly proud of, and grateful for, the work of the Asylum Seekers Initiatives Group out of West Springs Free Methodist Church in Calgary.