Prayer Points for our March 31, 2021 National Prayer Meeting
1. That God’s people will be filled with faith, hope and joy as we celebrate the resurrection of the Prince of Life.
2. That God will give us opportunities and courage to share the Easter good news with our neighbours.
3. That each church will understand how they can best follow the injunction of Scriptures that we don’t forsake the assembling of ourselves together so that we can encourage, teach and strengthen each other in these isolating and difficult days.
4. That wisdom will prevail in regards to how to deal with the COVID virus and its variants. That each person will know how to respond to the offer of the various vaccinations.
5. That the Lord will preside over our next sitting of General Conference with truth, peace and the clear leading of the Holy Spirit as we respond to our culture’s continued drift to an anti-Christ worldview.
6. That Christians in the medical profession will know how God would have them respond to the implications of the expanded euthanasia bill and that they will be free to act according to their consciences.
7. That the anti-conversion bill will not prevent those seeking counsel for sexual dysphoria from receiving it from a Biblical perspective and that those who offer it will not be punished for doing so.
8. That God would pour out His Spirit upon us in a fresh revelation of Himself, that will bring a deeper awareness of our sin and the power available to us to live Christ-like lives to His glory and our joy.