Make the Most of Your Summer

I have noticed that lots of professional type blogs have lists.  So in an attempt to be more “bloggy” and because it’s kind of an easy out – I made a list.  I realize as I type this that summer is almost half over but here are my tips for making the most of the rest of your summer.

1)  Take a break.  Rest and recreate – even if it’s only for a couple of days.  Even if all you can do is enjoy a stay-cation.  Unplug.  Nap.  Allow your body and mind to take a break.  And allow God to renew your soul.  Taking a break can be a very spiritual exercise.  If you are one of those people who needs permission for this sort of thing – permission granted.  I have a blog so I have that kind of authority.

2)  Buy lemonade from a kid with a lemonade stand.  This will make you a better person.


3)  Have “those people” over.  You know who I mean.  Those people you haven’t had over in forever.  Or those people you have always been meaning to have over but never have.  Or those people who are new to your church or your neighborhood.  Summer is the perfect time for lingering conversation and fellowship.  Take advantage.  Who knows, you may even start a new and much needed practice.

4)  Roast a marshmallow.  You have to have one per summer.  That’s science.

5)  Take a prayer walk.  Pick a nice day and take a prayer walk around your neighborhood or around your church neighborhood or both.

6)  Hang out in your front yard instead of your backyard.  Maybe move your BBQ out front or sit on the front porch or…well, figure it out.  Just be out there and start to make meaningful connections with your neighbors.  You never know what might happen.


7)  Thank the worship and kids ministry folks at church.  While most church programming type stuff shuts down for the summer, worship and kids ministry usually keep going so say thanks to them and anyone else who is serving this summer.  Maybe even volunteer to give them a hand because they could probably use a break too.

8)  Start planning your fall.  I know, I know.  We don’t want to start thinking about summer being over yet but if we don’t start thinking and praying about what our falls will look like, it will just happen and we may miss some of what God has for us.  Here are some things to think and pray through (look a list within a list SO bloggy):

  • Where will I serve in my church this fall? 
  • Do I need to reconsider my giving commitment for this next ministry year? 
  • What night will I free up so that I can be part of a discipleship group? 
  • How will I intentionally connect with folks inside and outside the church this year?  What changes do I need to make to what I did last year? 
  • When will I make time in my day for prayer and Bible reading?

9)  Two words – ice cream.

10)  Enjoy creation.  Take advantage of a nice day to get out and enjoy. Make sure you linger long enough to thank the great God who created.

Enjoy the rest of your summer everyone.

Marc McAlister

Director of Church Health, FMCIC