On a regular basis we have spoken to sponsors who are not only helping feed, clothe and educate children but are doing it in practical yet creative ways by involving their church and community. Here is an example
In Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan the First Free Methodist Church puts together a monthly luncheon geared to serve individuals and families in their community. In return, this Community Lunch small group chooses to collect a small offering and donate these funds to purchase animals (goats and chickens) in support of ICCM children and their families. Though the cost of these animals is not much, it brings immediate improvement to the living conditions of families by providing not only food, but also additional income through the sales of eggs and milk.
Gail Stevens, of First Free Methodist church, shares how this story came about. “Our ministry group started this lunch about nine years ago to provide lunch for the poor and underprivileged. The group consists of between 60-80 persons who come once a month to receive a free lunch (hot or cold).
“One of the men who had been coming regularily became very ill and had to be hospitalized. When he was feeling better he returned to the group and shared that during his recovery he had been thinking how blessed he felt because he had so much (remember these people are poor, on minimum wage, many with health, mental and relational issues, etc.) and how much he appreciated the food that was always served. He approached me and wondered if we could take up a collection so that it could be given to a family who was in greater need than they themselves.
“I brought this request to our planning meeting and we decided that we could give it to an organization, I was glad to see the special funds that ICCM offered and knew it would work perfectly for our group. So we decided to buy some goats! We now have a map on the wall and paste a new goat up on the country where it has been
purchased and donated. It brings great joy to know that together, as a group
they can help those less fortunate than themselves. ”
I hope you have been encouraged and inspired by this story. Let us know how we can help you make an impact in the world around you.
Contact us at 905.848.2600
Paula Moriarity, International Child Care Ministries Director